How To Create SEO Friendly URL’S?


Understanding the Basics of SEO-Friendly URLs

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a critical factor that influences a website’s visibility. One of the key aspects of SEO that often gets overlooked is the creation of SEO-friendly URLs. These are essentially web addresses for your pages, which when formulated with precision, clarity, and focus, can significantly enhance user experience and visibility on search engines. In simpler terms, an SEO-friendly URL is a web address that is easily understandable for both, search engines and end-users.

Why SEO-Friendly URLs Are Significant

Search Engine Optimisation comprises several integral elements, and URLs are one of them. The importance of well-crafted, SEO-friendly URLs is multi-fold. First, they make it easier for search engine bots to crawl and index your website. More straightforward and cleaner URLs ensure efficient crawling and indexing, leading to improved visibility.

Secondly, SEO-friendly URLs enhance the user experience. When users see a clear, descriptive URL, they are more likely to click on it as it provides a basic idea of what the page content is about. It helps in improving the click-through rate from the search engine results page.

Moreover, according to Google’s guidelines, easy-to-understand URLs may lead to better crawling and indexing of your web pages. This, in turn, can lead to a higher ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs), thus increasing your website’s visibility.


How To Create SEO Friendly URL


Components of an SEO-Friendly URL

Before delving into the process of creating SEO-friendly URLs, let’s discuss the components that make up a URL. A typical URL consists of the following:


The protocol denotes how data is exchanged between the server and the client. The two most common protocols you’ll see in URLs are HTTP and HTTPS, with the ‘S’ in HTTPS indicating that the data transfer is secured through encryption.

Domain Name

This is your website’s name and is a crucial component of your URL. It’s essential to choose a domain name that is simple, memorable, and relevant to your business or the content you’re offering.


The path provides specific information about the page on your website. It is structured in a hierarchical manner and often uses folders to organise the content.


Also known as query strings, parameters are additional elements in a URL that follow a question mark (?). These are typically used to track the source of website traffic or provide additional data.

Steps to Create SEO-Friendly URLs

Crafting SEO-friendly URLs isn’t rocket science, but it does require a careful approach. Here are some steps to guide you in the process:

Embrace Simplicity and Readability

The primary rule in creating SEO-friendly URLs is to keep them simple and easy to understand for both users and search engines. URLs with complex parameters or long, cryptic strings of alphanumeric characters can confuse users and make your content seem less appealing or trustworthy.

Instead, aim for straightforward, descriptive URLs that clearly express what the page is about. For instance, a URL like “” is more user-friendly and informative than a vague URL like “”.

Include Relevant Keywords

Incorporating relevant keywords into your URLs can significantly enhance their SEO-friendliness. These keywords can help search engine crawlers understand your page content, which can subsequently boost your rankings in the SERPs.

It’s worth noting, though, that your keywords should be carefully chosen and naturally incorporated into the URL. Keyword stuffing – the excessive use of keywords – can have a negative impact and even lead to penalties from search engines.

For instance, a well-structured URL might look something like “”, whereas an example of keyword stuffing might be “”.

Separate Words with Hyphens

In a URL, words should be separated using hyphens (-), rather than underscores (_). This is because search engines, including Google, treat hyphens as space separators, which improves the readability of your URLs. For example, use “” instead of “”.

Use Lowercase Letters

It’s important to remember that URLs are case-sensitive on most servers. This means that the same letters in uppercase and lowercase would point to different pages. To avoid confusion and broken links, always use lowercase letters in your URLs.

Avoid Unnecessary Folders

Using too many folders can make your URL unnecessarily long and complicated. A concise URL is more user-friendly and easy for search engines to crawl. For example, “” is preferable over “”.

Tools for Creating SEO-Friendly URLs

There are a multitude of tools available that can assist you in creating SEO-friendly URLs. Tools like Yoast SEO for WordPress can help you craft suitable URL slugs based on your page title. Moreover, SEO tools like Moz offer keyword research features that can aid you in discovering relevant keywords to incorporate into your URLs.


Neil Patel, a renowned authority in SEO, succinctly encapsulated the importance of meticulous SEO practices: “SEO is about making small modifications to parts of your website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site’s user experience and performance in organic search results.

Creating SEO-friendly URLs may seem like a minor detail, but as Patel’s quote underscores, even such small modifications can lead to significant improvements in your website’s performance.

Wrapping Up

Constructing SEO-friendly URLs is an essential element of an effective SEO strategy. Such URLs enhance the user experience, improve search engine indexing and ranking, and can lead to higher click-through rates from the SERPs. By incorporating the practices detailed in this article into your SEO strategy, you can make your URLs more appealing to both your audience and search engines, paving the way for enhanced online visibility and success.
